
London, Edinburgh and more of UK

 With my little one, not so little anymore we finally decided it was time for us to explore and travel more with her. Having restricted myself to not travel beyond 2 hours at a stretch since I found it extremely difficult to keep my little one engaged, I started having a lot of anxiety wondering how I was to manage her for a 10 hours plus flight journey! I prayed to all Gods possible for two things. One- to keep me healthy since I need all the energy to match with little A and Two- To give me Tons of Patience. Both were answered luckily. It was an added advantage that my husband was now in the UK for over a year and hence we kind of knew our itinerary. His task during the one year was to visit all possible places and finalise what works for little A and Big V (Me). The Husband did a commendable job in finalising the places. The HP fan in me wanted to visit Scotland but we also knew the highlands were out of question. But we decided Edinburgh will be added to the list and that was part

My profession- the mystery 101

My LinkedIn profile has a lot of connection requests from people I hardly know of not because I am an influencer or anything but because of the title tag. I am a HR professional.  Hold your horses if you think that is my work since that is what I am supposed to do - AKA- Talent hunting.  Well, I work in a Profession that is highly misunderstood not just by the people around me but also by the ones who themselves are a HR Professional. Believe me when I say this. Recently, I had a whole lot of HR folks sharing forward messages on International HR day (yeah, there is a day for it apparently). It read- "HR the unofficial Psychologist, event planner, Peacemaker, lawyer and Teacher" and many from the HR world happily posting them, making videos on what they are! Sadly- none of these is what a HR does. I feel sorry for the ones who felt this is all what HR does and for just making our profession equal to the one who ensures there is a 'Rangoli' for Diwali.  Let me break it

Baby Reindeer

My social media handle of X (formerly Twitter) was abuzz with a new Netflix series titled Baby Reindeer. It is gore, raw and not for the weak hearted from what I read and it sure intrigued me. You sure need a lot of heart to watch this series which happens to be a True story too. It's about a female stalker in her forties and the main lead- a guy in his twenties, who himself has had a tormenting past. As the episodes unfold you see why he encourages the stalker despite knowing very well she is a ex-convict, convicted for stalking It got me thinking about Maslows Hierarchy of needs.  The main character is okay with NIL self respect, submitting himself to his abuser because of the hate he has for himself aka low self esteem. The series subtly touches upon the background of the stalker- her past, in a crisp voice note that she shares about how her parents were always fighting. The impact it has on childhood is nothing short of trauma.  I happened to read a post recently of a kid who c

Love is Love!

 I am now married for 5 years which needs a special mention. By the time you reach the 5 years mark, atleast once you have thought about why you got married in the first place, importantly, questioning your choice. If this hasn't happened to you yet, well, you really do not know your better half yet. What keeps the relationship going though is the Love that you still share. I had read about someone sharing on Reddit that their secret to happy marriage was this- Both husband and the wife listed down the things they really like about each other and saved it in a letter box. When things went southwards, all they had to do was read through to remind them how important they were for each other. This works only when both of them are in it. I am a chatter box and can write pages and my husband being the opposite, refuses to read even if my blog exceeds certain word limits. However, he is my Yin to the Yang.  Recently, the two of us managed to watch a movie together on OTT. Of course with

Health is Wealth

 After about a year post delivery, I finally started shedding all the weight I gained through Pregnancy and was very much determined to get back to my fitness levels like before. I successfully managed to lose all those extra pounds and slowly started hitting the gym. Unfortunately, the covid bug didn't spare me and I was down end of January. However, it was my spirits that kept me high and I was out of it in a week.  The post Covid weakness was for real in my case especially with a little one who was onto notorious night feeds every 3 hours! I am a very light sleeper and I really forgot the last time I slept straight for 7 hours. We are all human beings after all. It took another major jolt for me to give my body and mind the rest it needed.  One fine morning, I woke up and tried brushing my tooth only to fail miserably with the left side of my face completely dropping and not responding. I thought I was having a stroke and immediately tried raising my hands, sticking my tongue ou

In the name of Love

I was catching up with friends of mine and we got on to the interesting topic of the things we do for our respective spouse' or kids all in the name of Love. As we kept sharing things, it sort of hit hard on me that it's almost always the women who make amends, try to fix things and get life going all in the name of Love.  The patriarchal thought that irrespective of the man or women who is at the wrong end, it is the women who is expected to reconcile; we have been trained too well to forgive and forget, we have seen our mothers' grandmothers' aunts' do this always. Personally, there are a few in my family whom I admired since my childhood- the real 'Men' who didn't hesitate to make amends, to do things that were generally considered not so 'Manly'  Here are few things that I can summarize.. 1) The man being the first to wake up and make the morning coffee/ tea and sharing the morning newspaper with the wife too when she is up 2) Giving bath to


Nights have something special about them. Am both a morning person and also love being the night owl. There is always something special about the quiet of the nights and the break of dawn. Two different hours- one that ends a day of happiness, sadness, misery, mystery and another which always begins with hopes & dreams. Have you ever tried sitting alone during these hours? The warmth it brings, the peace you feel in the wee hours of the night or the break of dawn cannot be compared to anything otherwise and hence you got to live through it to really experience it. The first ray of sunlight, the happiness it brings or the sound of cricket through the night with nothing but the moon light and the gentle breeze, you always feel thankful to be able to experience all of it.  It's the time that lovers miss each other the most, couples try to forget their ego, friends remember the many wonderful times of the past. It's the time to cherish, to reminisce, and it lets you feel rejuve