London, Edinburgh and more of UK

With my little one, not so little anymore we finally decided it was time for us to explore and travel more with her. Having restricted myself to not travel beyond 2 hours at a stretch since I found it extremely difficult to keep my little one engaged, I started having a lot of anxiety wondering how I was to manage her for a 10 hours plus flight journey! I prayed to all Gods possible for two things. One- to keep me healthy since I need all the energy to match with little A and Two- To give me Tons of Patience. Both were answered luckily. It was an added advantage that my husband was now in the UK for over a year and hence we kind of knew our itinerary. His task during the one year was to visit all possible places and finalise what works for little A and Big V (Me). The Husband did a commendable job in finalising the places. The HP fan in me wanted to visit Scotland but we also knew the highlands were out of question. But we decided Edinburgh will be added to the list and that was p...